Specialized Hand Therapy/HandCare
Specialized Hand Therapy is provided by a skilled occupational therapist who, through study and experience, specializes in treating individuals with conditions affecting the hands and upper extremity.
Strive! Hand Care Divisions is located at the West Marion center and is staffed with therapists specializing in Hand Therapy. In fact, all of our hand therapists are nationally recognized as “Certified Hand Therapists”.
What is it For?
Specialized hand therapy treatment is limited to disease and injury of the upper extremity which may include, but is not limited to:
- Fractures of the wrist and hand
- Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
- Dupuytren’s Disease
- Congenital deformities
- Tendon injuries
- Soft injury of hand, wrist and forearm
- Overuse (cumulative trauma) disorder
- Reconstruction secondary to spinal cord injuries and CVA’s
How Does it Work?
The main objectives of treatment are:
- Evaluation of strength, endurance, and coordinated motion of the wrist and hand
- Increase functional use of the upper extremity within the limits of the patient’s disability
- Decrease pain
- Fabrication of dynamic and static splints