Hip Pain

Happy Hips: Easy Exercises to Relieve Pain and Improve Movement

If you’re struggling with stiff or achy hips, you’re not alone. Hip pain is common, affecting people of all ages and activity levels, often making daily tasks like walking, sitting, or even sleeping uncomfortable. While the causes of hip pain can vary, some of the most common culprits include:

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Prolonged sitting can cause hip flexors to shorten and tighten,
Muscle Mass

Strong Muscles, Strong Future: How Muscle Mass Impacts Your Lifespan

Humans have been trying to live longer for all of recorded history. From the ancient Mesopotamian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, through medieval alchemists’ search for the Philosopher’s Stone, up to today’s more scientific investigations, our species is absolutely obsessed with overcoming our own mortality.

While death is still as inevitable as ever,


Longevity Through Movement: How Physical Therapy May Add Years to Your Life (and Life to Your Years)

It’s well known that physical activity is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. It can reduce the risk of several common mortality factors, including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, coronary heart disease, stroke and more. However, people don’t often think of physical therapy as a means of creating a more active lifestyle. Physical therapy doesn’t have to be just about recovery – it can be a proactive approach to enhancing your quality of life.


New Year, Stronger You: 5 Simple Exercises to Help You Start 2025 Right

The beginning of a new calendar year is often full of optimism and hope, as many of us resolve to live better and improve our lives over the next year. A common resolution is to improve our exercise habits and health. Unfortunately, many times these resolutions will be short-lived or unfulfilled altogether. So, as we turn the page on 2024 and make our way into another new year,


Bone Up! The Role of Physical Therapy in Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, an estimated 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis. An additional 44 million have low bone density, putting them at increased risk of developing the disease in their lifetimes. While it’s more common in adults over 50, and more likely to effect women than men, the truth is osteoporosis impacts millions of lives of either sex every year.


Joint Health in Aging: Physical Therapy’s Role in Managing Osteoarthritis

Our bodies can present many different challenges as we age, including joints that become stiffer and less flexible. Aging joint cartilage can become thinner, ligaments can shorten and become less flexible, and loss of muscle strength can put extra pressure on your joints. As a result, joints can feel stiff and uncomfortable. This discomfort can be even greater in individuals dealing with osteoarthritis.


Prehabilitation: How Starting Physical Therapy Before Surgery Can Lead to Better Outcomes

There’s a growing trend in the world of physical therapy. Many patients that are soon to undergo surgery are opting for a pre-surgical healthcare intervention intended to reduce complications and enhance post-surgical recovery. This intervention is known as preoperative rehabilitation, or prehabilitation (prehab if you’re really into brevity). The proponents of prehabilitation cite its many perceived benefits and low risk (for most people),

Balance and Stability

Balance and Stability: Simple Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Falls

One of the under-appreciated aspects of a regular exercise routine is the impact it can have on improving your balance and stability. While we tend to focus on enhanced strength and flexibility, the truth is that improved balance and stability – particularly as we age – can play a major role in preventing injuries caused by falls.


5 Exercises to Enhance Your Flexibility

People will often use flexibility-enhancing exercises to help them recover from an injury or recent surgery, but these exercises shouldn’t be reserved exclusively for recovery. Keeping your body flexible is a key part of preventing injuries in the first place, and a healthy body is important to overall well being. Incorporating some simple flexibility exercises into your daily routine can be a great way to prepare your body for an active lifestyle,

Frozen Shoulder

Defrost the Pain: Why Physical Therapy is the Key to Treating Frozen Shoulder

As if aging didn’t present enough challenges, 2-5% of us will eventually experience a painful condition known as “frozen shoulder”. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is an inflammatory condition that causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, and significantly reduces range of motion. Frozen shoulder typically affects people 40 and older and is more likely to occur in women.

Healthy Food

You Are What You Eat: The Role of Nutrition in Injury Recovery and Prevention

In today’s information-rich world, it’s easy to find conflicting opinions between “experts” in various disciplines. There is no shortage of controversy around many topics that people care about. You would be hard-pressed, however, to find any doctor, dietician, or otherwise-qualified expert that would deny the connection between a person’s diet and their physical health. The nutrition we consume is inexorably linked to our body’s ability to grow,

Mental Health

The Mental Side of Injury Recovery: Staying Motivated and Focused

Recovering from an injury can be a stressful experience. Aside from the physical discomfort, there can be a tendency to think about our limitations and how much less we are able to do at the moment. Questions can arise: How long will it take to recover? When can I go back to work? Will I ever again be able to run/swim/play sports,


Understanding and Managing Inflammation: A Holistic Approach

Inflammation is a natural part of your body’s immune response to injuries. It is the process through which your immune system recognizes and removes harmful stimuli and promotes healing. In general, it is a good thing. However, when inflammation occurs in healthy tissue or goes on for too long, it can harm your body and cause a range of chronic diseases.

Man Stretching

Stretch it Out! The Importance of Stretching for Injury Prevention and Recovery

It’s not exactly breaking news to suggest that stretching is important, but it’s easy to think that it’s just for athletes and gym enthusiasts. The truth is that stretching can play an important role in injury prevention and recovery, especially for people who spend much of their time sitting, like many of us do. Our bodies were built to move,


How Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Expensive and Invasive Surgery

For many people, surgery can seem like the only solution to pain caused by injuries or degenerative conditions. Chronic pain can be hard to live with, and it’s understandable that people would want a quick and effective solution. Surgery, though, is not always the only option. Often, it may not be the best option. For many conditions,

3 Simple Exercises You Can Do at Home for Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common issue that can affect people of all ages and lifestyles – from athletes to people just going about their daily activities. Whether caused by injury, overuse, or underlying conditions like arthritis, knee pain can significantly impact your mobility and quality of life. The good news is you don’t always need medications or invasive treatments for relief.

Mowing Lawn

5 Essential Tips for Preventing Injuries During Everyday Activities

Injuries can happen when we least expect them, often during routine activities that we take for granted. We sometimes underestimate the importance of injury prevention, especially in everyday situations. By following a few simple guidelines, you can significantly reduce your risk of injury and maintain your overall health. Here are five essential tips to help you stay safe and injury-free during your daily activities.

Clubhead Speed

Exercise and Golf

Golfers are constantly trying all sorts of things to improve their golf game. They try new clubs, new grips, new stance, new attitude. But they often ignore the one thing that is most effective: physical training, which can help them hit the ball farther.

What’s more, even if they do concentrate on physical training,