Shoulder Pain

What is Shoulder Pain: Signs and Symptoms?

Your shoulder is a complex structure of tendons, muscles and bones that form a joint that provides a great deal of mobility to the arms. We use our shoulders for so many tasks in our daily life and if there is restriction or pain in movement then life can be very uncomfortable. From lifting to holding,

Piriformis Syndrome: A Pain in the Butt! – By Dr. Louise Bullard


Have you been having a pain in the butt? 

Piriformis syndrome is when the piriformis muscle is inflamed. The piriformis muscle is a thick band like muscle that runs diagonally across the buttocks region. This muscle gets inflamed from certain things such as carrying a wallet in your back pocket,

Post-surgical Rehab by Jackie Manning, ARNP

You successfully went under the knife and made it out on the other side! Congrats! The hard part is over now, right? Well, not so fast. Another phase of recovery awaits.

In most cases, medical experts recommend physical therapy following an operation. The benefits are many and varied. However, post-surgical rehabilitation can be a long process over the course of many months.

True Wellness by Jackie Manning, ARNP

Of all that we desire in life, a healthy immune system should be top priority! If nothing else, COVID19 has taught us the importance of physical health in our overall wellness journey.  Almost every time we turn on the TV, experts are telling us that the healthiest among us have the best outcomes.

Thriving Beyond Fibromyalgia by Jackie Manning, ARNP

Ouch! Do you suffer from fibromyalgia? Unfortunately, a simple blood test will not show this condition, which makes it particularly difficult to diagnose. To make things worse, many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia are similar to other diseases/conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, which can also be accompanied by mysterious pain. At Strive, we are here to help patients understand where their pain is coming from and how to manage it!