Move More Month: Easy Ways to Get Moving in the Workplace

April, also known as Move More Month by the American Heart Association, is an opportunity to study personal habits and work to incorporate additional daily activity.

According to the AHA, most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work and find themselves with little time or energy left at the end of the day to exercise or get moving. Experts say those who struggle to set aside time for a separate workout should use any opportunity to sneak in physical activity throughout their day. Focusing on moving more and sitting less throughout the day can help. Luckily, there is a benefit to any physical activity regardless of the length of the activity.


Here are some ideas to incorporate more movement into the work day from the American Heart Association’s Healthy for Good™ initiative:

  1.  Take a walk on your lunch break. Don’t focus on the step count or the minutes, just move more when your schedule allows.
  2.  Increase your activity in simple ways around the office. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farthest from the door in the parking lot, convert conference room meetings to walking meetings or get up and walk to someone’s desk instead of sending email.
  3. Schedule exercise on your calendar. Add exercise to your calendar and treat your scheduled time like an important meeting.
  4. Find a partner. Having a partner to keep you accountable and motivated can be the key to keeping your healthy habits moving forward.
  5. Take advantage of workplace wellness offerings. Ask your supervisor or human resources department what employee wellness resources and incentives are available.

Striving to be more active at work can inspire colleagues and lead to a healthier workplace in addition to improving personal health and well-being throughout.

Learn more about Move More Month by clicking HERE.

Is there something else holding you back from getting up and moving? We can help! Call Strive! Physical Therapy at 352-351-8883 to schedule a FREE consultation. With occupational therapy or physical therapy we can get you back to moving as your best self.

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