Physical Therapy for Pelvic Pain

What Causes Pelvic Pain?

Dysfunction and pain in the pelvis may have many origins and can result from a combination of factors. Each organ and joint may produce a specific pattern of pain or vague pelvic discomfort. In order to to rule out systemic causes or potential problems with the organs, your pelvic pain symptoms should be thoroughly discussed with your physician. However, the bones, muscles and soft tissues of the pelvis can also contribute to pelvic pain syndrome. In order to ensure proper treatment and the best outcomes, these items must also be addressed. This is where the physical therapist can help.

Why Physical Therapy?

Physical therapists are experts in treating the musculoskeletal system (the muscles and joints and the surrounding tissues of the body). Physical therapists that are specially trained in women’s health can safely and effectively help women who suffer from pelvic pain.

Specially trained physical therapists can evaluate and treat:

  • Improper alignment or impaired mobility of the pelvic bone and joints.
  • Overactive pelvic muscles such as a muscle spasm.
  • Underactive pelvic muscles such as muscle weakness.
  • Restrictions or impaired mobility of ligaments, tendons, or connective tissues and structures.
These problems can occur for a number of reasons: including a fall, a car accident, childbirth, surgery, radiation, inactivity, repeated faulty postures or positions during normal activities. Injuries or problems with the hips, abdomen, lumbar, spine, or pelvis including the sacroiliac like joints pubic bones or tail bone may also cause dysfunction and lead to pelvic pain.

So When Should I Seek Out Physical Therapy?

Pain: If you have pain with intercourse or other sexual activities, tampon usage, or from a speculum exam including a Pap test or other types of pelvic exams. This might also include pain in the groin, buttocks, or pain that shoots/tingles down the leg.

DifficultyIf you are having difficulty with normal activities such as sitting, rising from a chair, standing, or walking – as well as difficulties with recreational activities like golfing, jogging, or other types of exercise.
Chronic Issues: If you suffer from chronic issues such as constipation, difficulty passing a bowel movement, frequent urination and urgency, as well as chronic low back, hip, or sacroiliac pain.
Pelvic Pain… There is Help – Set up your free consultation today by calling Strive! Physical Therapy at (352) 351 – 8883.